I have a website

may 26, 2024

While reading up on interesting language ideas, algorithms and random interesting things in the world of computer science, I stumbled upon many personal blogs. Reading through them made me think “Wow, I wish I also had a cool blog and cool things to write in it.”. And so this is it - my blog.
Although now in its infancy, I plan to share here details about my personal projects and anything else that I want to share with the world - or at least the very select corner of it that reads my blog posts.

Expect an erratic upload schedule (there is none) and qustionably coherent content in the begining. One of my hopes with this blog is to force myself to be more disciplined when it comes to my projects, and maybe by trying to explain things to strangers on the web I will develop a more critical and thorough way of thinking.

Shout out to journal.stuffwithstuff.com for being an inspiration for this page design. I like the simple static nature of that website (and the content even more). As for my blog, I use Pandoc to convert from commonmark-x to html using a custom template. You can check out the source of this site on GitHub.

PS: expect to hear about railway junctions in the near future ;)

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